Logistics Map Digitalizing Integrate, Control And Empower Your Logistics And Freight Forwarding Operations With Our Latest Technologies Air Freight Software Digitalizing Integrate, Control And Empower Your Logistics And Freight Forwarding Operations With Our Latest Technologies Digitalizing Integrate, Control And Empower Your Logistics And Freight Forwarding Operations With Our Latest Technologies

Digitalizing Global Logistics with Innovative & Superior Technology

Softlink carries a legacy of over three decades of domain expertise in digitalizing the logistics and freight forwarding industry. As one of the leading logistics technology companies, we leverage the latest innovations to simplify operations, enhance productivity, and help businesses overcome challenges while scaling their growth.

Our Products

Softlink has developed products like Logi-Sys and Live Impex to automate the entire operations across the supply chain for the logistics and freight forwarding industry. Our freight forwarding management software take care of sales, marketing, finance, and complex tax compliances for both domestic and international logistics and freight forwarders. Unlike many other logistics technology companies, Softlink has always been foresighted in presenting the industry with the latest freight forwarding technology—helping businesses stay ahead of challenges before they even arise.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, understanding the challenges of remote work, Softlink introduced many advanced features like an Enhanced Workflow Engine, Internal Messaging System, Digital/E-Signature on Invoices, Employee Visibility & Monitoring, and a Digital Approval Mechanism. These innovations ensured business continuity from home for our customers.


End-to-End ERP Software for Freight Forwarding & Logistics Industry

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Live Impex

Anytime, Anywhere Customs Management Solutions

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We make a Difference


Integrate Operations


Increase Productivity


Better Customer Service


Increase Profitability


Reduces costs

Why Choose Us ?

A single integrated cloud platform for logistics & freight forwarders to manage their entire operations, including Import & Export / Air & Sea, online from anywhere, anytime, using any device. Softlink is at the forefront of logistics technology companies, offering innovative digital solutions that help freight forwarders optimize efficiency and scale their business.

Supports manual as well as online Bills of Entry and Shipping Bills along with filing via ICEGATE.

A single dashboard to manage receivables, payable, managing, and tracking revenue flows / cash-flow like payment, outstanding with a real-time interface with operations, & creating invoices, quotations, billing, actual expenses, and tax calculations.

Manage all communications with customers and manages to start from generating sales leads to quotations to automate the sales process till implementation.

A shipment can be tracked right from the time of order till delivery with features, including an intuitive and graphical interface and online tracking.

Customers receive status messages, scheduled reports, event-based email notifications, and SMS.

The EDI module enables connectivity with other business partners in the supply chain like Ocean Carriers (Via INNTRA), AMS, Customs, Importers, Exporters, etc.

Advanced reporting tools provide customizable reports, KPI tracking, and graphical MIS reports for deeper business insights. With decades of experience in developing cutting-edge solutions, Softlink stands out among logistics technology companies for its commitment to continuous innovation.

Our implementation and support team work 24*7 to enable our customers to manage business operations.

100000 +
5000 +
300 +
300+ Skilled Professionals
45 +

Customer Testimonial

Ravi Shah

There is a strong partnership between LP Group and Softlink. We both have the end customer in mind and are looking to achieve the same goals. Softlink engineered Logi-Sys delivers performance enhancement capabilities that help reduce costs by simplifying processes.

Ravi Shah
Director , LP Group

Harihar Nath

I am not surprised that Logi-Sys is successful in grabbing attention of international players. We have been using Logi-Sys for more than four years and I must admit that it has helped us optimize our resources, capacity building & reduced our administrative costs. The customer support that is provided is efficient & solves our doubts on demand. It also gives us the flexibility to work from anywhere, thus making our operations convenient & more time and cost efficient.

Harihar Nath
Director , Cargomen Logistics

Jason D’souza

In Softlink, we found a capable and trusted partner who has a long history of providing value-based products and developing successful customer relationships. The domain expertise, professional approach and technological competence of Softlink are commendable.


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