Be Part of the Future in Digitalizing Logistics and Freight Forwarding Industry

Our passion for innovation and growth is imbibed in every employee that creates endless opportunities for them to step up the career ladder

Pursuing a career with Softlink enables you to be a part of the global innovation team who are working relentlessly to bring efficiency and productivity in the freight forwarding and logistics companies worldwide. Contribute to the future of technologies like IOT, Block Chain, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Digital Market Place for Freight Forwarders and Logistics and many more.

At Softlink, we believe our employees are pillars for our success that put their relentless services in Research & Development, Implementation, and Support to handhold our clients always throughout the life cycle with us. Our core values are to impart our employees with the opportunity to grow within the organization, where they gain rightful skills and training to remain updated with the latest technologies.


We are always looking for exceptional people who like to pursue their passion, to join our team. For career opportunities at Softlink, please check out our current openings below or send your resume to or Call us at – 022 40340000

Build a career where your work matters and get the flexibility to pursue your career without boundaries.  If you have the ambition to make a difference, we offer a world of opportunities.

If you don’t find an open role that matches your skills or experience, and you’re still interested in exploring opportunities at Softlink Global, feel free to contact our Talent Team at

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