Freight Forwarding Management Software

Freight Forwarders act as an intermediary for intermodal transportation and customs clearance between the shipper and transportation services, liaising with various carriers to negotiate prices and decide on the most economical, reliable and fastest route. A freight forwarder’s job involves a full range of services, including tracking inland transportation, preparation of shipping and export documents, warehousing, booking cargo space, negotiating freight charges, freight consolidation, cargo insurance, and filing of insurance claims.

Integrated Freight Forwarding cloud software allows control & management of Air Freight, Sea Freight, Land Freight, Warehouse, Transport, Customs, & integrates it seamlessly with CRM, Billing, & Financial Accounting online from anywhere, anytime with any device.

While managing their productivity and profitability, Freight Forwarders around the world are experiencing the constantly growing tussle between quality services and low cost which is pushing them to the brink leaving only two options either Evolve or Perish. The disruptive technologies over the past few years and the latest pandemic threat of COVID 19, have hit the traditional freight forwarding industry massively. Companies are realizing the importance of information technology and the adoption of sophisticated Freight Forwarding Software to avoid perishing and manage their entire freight forwarding process effortlessly and effectively.

Give our experts a call to discover how our innovative solutions could help your business.

Softlink has been Driving Efficiency and Productivity in the Global Freight Forwarding Industry with the Advanced Software and Technology to Manage their End-to-End Operations

Give our experts a call to discover how our innovative solutions could help your business.

Logi-Sys, the best integrated freight forwarding software, is a cloud based state of the art and flexible freight forwarding software that helps in automating the freight forwarding operations in a single system. The application links every aspect of freight forwarding within the system that automatically ensures the processing of the shipment efficiently.

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    End-to-End Cloud Freight Forwarding Software

    Logi-Sys is an end-to-end freight forwarding software that provides an easy and effective International as well as Domestic freight management system for both Import and Export activities. It offers sophisticated functionalities to help freight forwarders by integrating entire operations, branches and all the stakeholders of the supply chain into a single application. This dynamic, automated and flexible approach allows freight forwarders to leverage the software for maximizing operational efficiency and profitability.

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    Increase the Operational Efficiency and Reduce Costs

    The freight forwarding software automates the freight forwarding process which helps to eliminate manual paperwork and reduces operational costs by up to 40%. The system helps to build agility and the ability to respond to the rapid changes in the industry.

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    Manage Inbound and Outbound Freight Operations

    Logi-Sys is an end-to-end freight forwarding software that provides an easy and effective International as well as Domestic freight management system for both Import and Export activities. Inbound and Outbound freight forwarding operations for various modes including Air, Sea and Land can be managed with ease with the Freight Management System of Logi-Sys. It handles inbound Operations from Receipt of Pre-Alerts to Delivery Orders and Outbound operations, right from Bookings, Consolidation, to Shipment.

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    Tracking and Notifications

    The freight management software of Logi-Sys is integrated with other modules in a seamless flow of information; it eliminates double entry of data, while allowing department profit centers to be maintained. It also provides Alerts on exceptions and Customer Notifications.

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    Great Financial Control and Visibility

    The freight management system of Logi-Sys also keeps a tab on credit limits, facilitates tracking and provides a daily status report to customers. The entire accounting flow is automated, covering all aspects of revenue operations, like recording expenses and invoicing, thereby preventing revenue leakages. You can file all the customs clearance documents directly from Logi-Sys.

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