Transportation Management Software

Road Transportation is the essential link in the freight business and especially in warehousing. Shipments travel across the world through various modes, but every order begins and ends with land transportation. Effective and efficient overland transportation plays a very crucial role in achieving a successful supply chain operation.

An efficient Transportation Management System (TMS) helps in managing the complexity of the international and domestic supply chain by integrating the entire life-cycle of transportation. GPS based transport management system not only helps companies with real-time visibility, alerts & notifications but also optimizes routes with real-time data, improved truck utilization, and tracks driver’s hours.

Today companies are facing issues to streamline their transportation management to maximize efficiency, visibility, customer satisfaction, and profit margin, where transportation plays a crucial role in achieving successful supply chain operation.

Give our experts a call to discover how our innovative solutions could help your business.

Softlink has been the Pioneer in Automating the Transportation Industry to Strengthen Business and Drive Growth with the Latest Transportation Management System

Give our experts a call to discover how our innovative solutions could help your business.

Logi-Sys’ efficient Transportation Management System (TMS) helps in managing the complexity of international and domestic supply chains by integrating the entire life-cycle of transportation. The Transportation Management System (TMS) in Logi-Sys allows users to handle their end to end transportation operations in an efficient and well-organized manner.

  • 01

    Complete Integration Freight, Warehousing and Other Operations

    It cohesively integrates with freight forwarding, customs broking, warehousing, and other modules and handles every aspect of your operation from the pickup, trip planning, route planning to delivery. You can manage your fleet, drivers, and resources with ease using the advanced features of the software. Logi-Sys ensures a reduction of costs through efficient routing, load optimization, vehicle mix, and model selection and increases productivity with seamlessly connected devices.

  • 02

    Automate Transportation Process

    The system helps to automate the entire transportation operations through collaboration across all modes and operators with increased delivery reliability and reduced transportation cost. This module manages all possible aspects of Inland & overland transportation from Pick request, Trip-Planning, tracking, and proof of delivery to invoice.

  • 03

    Real-Time Visibility and Alert Notifications

    GPS based transport management system not only helps companies with real-time visibility, alerts & notifications but also optimizes routes with real-time data, improved truck utilization, and tracks driver’s hours. The system provides real-time proof of delivery.

  • 04

    Improve Customer Service, Better Management Control

    Interface with electronic communications systems and mobile communication devices allows you to keep track of information in real-time. The accounting aspects are taken care of with the automatic recording of operational expenses and revenue enabling, complete financial management, and better decision making.

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