Zubin Shah

  • August 7, 2020
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Logi-Sys can provide real insight into understanding gaps and bottlenecks in logistics processes. As leading service providers, it’s particularly important that we identify any bottlenecks and inefficient processes. Logi-Sys provides seamless integration between the different logistics process and we believe it will have a significant impact on our productivity

AM Rajan

  • August 7, 2020
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We were users of Softlink’s desktop applications for years together, and only chose to migrate to their cloud based “Logi-Sys” after evaluating other available options. The cloud based application we knew Logi-Sys will go live well before the new financial year begins.We believe that Logi-Sys compliments our objective to

Suraj Rajan

  • August 7, 2020
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 We knew that only the power and strength of a centralised IT system could cater to the ever increasing demands of our customers. Achieving those deliverables in time would keep us ahead of the competition. The decision to move to ‘Logi-Sys’ was solely based on the advanced features it

Mr. Amarnath

  • August 5, 2020
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Cloud solutions are powering modern business all over the globe. Adopting to the changing industry demands is the need of the hour

Mirko Knezevic

  • August 5, 2020
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I am sure that Logi-Sys will help us not only to integrate and streamline our operations which are spread across the globe but also empower management to take informed decisions.

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